Step into the legendary world of martial arts combat with the Street Fighter 2 GT JAMMA Arcade Machine. Released in 1991, Street Fighter II redefined arcade gaming and became a cultural phenomenon, with seven sequels, six films, and over 35 years of iconic status. Whether it's Ken and Ryu's powerful 'Hadouken!' or Chun-Li’s lightning-fast legs, this 16-bit classic offers non-stop action and excitement.
Our Street Fighter 2 GT Machine brings all the legendary gameplay to your venue, featuring an original JAMMA game board and premium internal components, ensuring a smooth, reliable arcade experience. Handcrafted in the UK, this Machine includes a customisable coin mechanism, perfect for home arcades, man caves, nightclubs, restaurants, or bars.
Ready for a battle? With Street Fighter 2 GT, your venue will be the ultimate destination for players craving epic combat and nostalgia. Fight for glory and relive the golden age of arcade gaming!