Augmented Reality Darts

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The ultimate improvement to the traditional pub and bar game, Smarts Darts, has raised the bar on darting entertainment. The Smarts Darts tradition is enhanced by our ground-breaking Augmented Reality (AR) Darts technology, which offers an incredible range of gameplay choices that are sure to captivate your clientele.

The Augmented Reality Darts system, which is based on the Unicorn Smartboard, adds a creative touch by including a white Smartboard. This lets us use a projector to put images from the game onto the board for an immersive experience. This ground-breaking invention pushes the limits of conventional gameplay and opens up a hitherto undiscovered world of thrilling darting.

Explore the playlist and video below for a detailed tutorial on how to use the amazing Augmented Reality Darts system. See thorough runs through of every game that is offered, highlighting the software, technology, and amazing control that operators have at their disposal. Experience darting at a higher level and see how fun and innovation come together like never before!

It is worth noting that Augmented Reality Darts is currently only available for commercial premises.

This is due to its unique finance model which enables premises to license the system for a low upfront cost and pay per hour of system use, instead of employing a larger, more restrictive upfront cost. This license includes software license, game use and servicing.